Last Updated on February 14, 2023
Most Facebook users would be like “Why aren’t my Facebook Messenger messages not delivered?” Sometimes one worries whether he/she has been blocked or marked as spam. It is indeed frustrating if you have been on that same shoe.
In this post, we have gathered helpful reasons why your Facebook messages are not delivered. Sometimes they are marked as “Sent” even when the person to receive the chat is found active or online on Messenger.
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This post will be useful if you experience any of the issues below;
- Facebook message sent but not delivered
- Facebook message not delivered but online
- Facebook messages delivered but not seen
- Facebook messenger sent but not delivered
- Facebook message won’t deliver
- Facebook messenger message sent, delivered but not read
- Facebook messenger sent but not delivered muted
- Facebook message sent but not delivered not friends
- your message won’t be delivered Facebook messenger
- what does it mean when a Facebook message is sent but not delivered
From the above options, we have found two issues. Facebook messages not delivered and messages not read when currently online.
You are not blocked on Facebook and also not on Messenger even when your messages are yet to be delivered. Try your best to be confident about this inconveniences.
Why Your Facebook Message Sent not delivered or read

One of these options below must relate to your current message delivery status.
- Your message was ignored
- They quickly deleted your message without reading it. They might have read it through the status bar
- They quickly marked your message as Spam
- They are not currently logged into Messenger app but currently using Facebook
- Your message is currently in the Connection Requests or Message Request list. It is not yet approved
- The receiver is only logged in to Facebook.
Most times, message sent not delivered and message delivered not seen are always confused with one another.
From our own experience, when a Messenger chat is marked as sent even when the recipient is marked as Active, it is likely that he or she has ignored you on Messenger.
This means that you have been registered to ignored list or what is called Message Request. It could also mean that he/she using Facebook lite at the moment.
Messenger also allows chats to be pending in Connection Requests/Message requests. Message Requests adds an incoming message that is not in someone’s Friend lists.
They are kept there until the recipient either approves or rejects the chat.
When a chat is approved, you should see “xxxxx accepted your request“. Your message should then be marked delivered when necessary. This option is related to people that are not on one’s Facebook friend list. If rejected or deleted, it remains as sent.
Also when a message shows as sent even when they are online, it could also be that they are not logged into messenger or the Messenger app is not installed on their device.
They will be unable to receive messages unless they log into or install Messenger. As soon as they log into Messenger, the message will be delivered.

This only happens when they are on a mobile phone and have logged out. As soon as they log into Messenger, the message will be delivered then considered to be read by them.
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When your message has been received but yet to be read, it could be it was ignored, marked unread, deleted or marked as spam by your recipient.
You may find this article helpful: Why your friend is Offline but your Messenger Message was Delivered
If one is convinced that the receiver is currently active when the chat was delivered but not read, then the fastest way to force someone to open your chat is through either Messenger voice call or video call.
With voice or video call, they are forced to open the chat or terminate the call.
Facebook Messenger stuck on sending could be a server problem
Most times messages are delayed before they are sent. Sometimes you see “Chat is currently unavailable or Message stuck on sending without ticking either sent, deliver or even read.”.
ALSO READ THIS -> Why Messenger stuck on sending chats
If this shows up, it could be that Messenger server is down at the moment. The best thing to do is to leave Messenger on its own for about 1 hour until it comes down to normal.
If you cannot be patient enough for 1 hour, then you may try logging to Facebook with PC or Web browser.
The receiver is only logged in to Facebook
In this case, Facebook has a feature called Active Status. It shows when one is active on Facebook even when they are not available on Messenger.
But since Messenger uses Facebook profile, it will use the same data on Facebook that you are active.
The best thing to do is to turn it off. This can be turned off from the Facebook app. Go to Menu -> Settings -> Active Status. Then toggle it off.
When your friend’s active status is turned off, he or she will be seen active on both Facebook and Messenger even when they are offline on Messenger.
Note: If this issue persists, be rest assured that most times, the Facebook server breaks down. It can takes minutes, hours to get back to normal.
You only need patience. If none of these works for you, you may need to give it some moments.
37 responses to “Reasons Why Facebook Messenger Chat Sent but not delivered 2023”
Your message can be sent and shown as not delivered when someone has ignored messages from you – they can go online and read them and the message will still show as not delivered. Only when they reply to you does it show as delivered and seen at the same time.
Thanks for your contribution
That’s not true messages will show delivered before there even read if you have been accepted by them
Not true. I have a friend I message daily and whenever my message gets stuck in sent, he can message me and I get his messages but he can’t see mine. So it’s Facebook’s shitty servers.
How do you mute someone in messenger?
You can mute someone on Messenger in two ways
1. Using Messenger “Mute” option or
2. Using Block in Messenger
The first option still receives chats from the person but you won’t be notified when chats come. But in the last option, you cannot send or receive chats from someone you blocked on Messenger. Although, you are still friends on Facebook. To receive message again from him/her, then unblock the person to start receiving new chats.
We hope you find this useful.
My chats to my boyfriend are not being delivered. But then he shows me that he gets notification whenever I chat him. Why is not being delivered? I’m not muted too.
You have to send him a message whenever you’re together to see how it works.
Suddenly in messenger ny chats are dscovered and i cant send message to any one please help me out
You may need to uninstall Messenger on your phone…Or you should try to login Facebook using a web browser to see if it works with a browser
Is it possible they have two accounts and just switch account on messenger that why this happens???
If they have two accounts currently logged on Messenger then the other account that is not active may not be able to mark your messages as delivered until they switch over to it
It’s wierd that my ex blocked me .. and when I sent a message it wasn’t delivered but when checked a couple days later it was delivered. But not read.. I sent another message and it was sent but not delivered.. so now I’m wondering how the hell is it saying delivered 3 days after it said sent while I’m supposedly blocked ?
Now i have gotten what i need. People can act like bitches
Can you explain to me then? I still don’t get it.
Hi! Recently, me and my old friend had a conversation. I was the last one who leave a message as I bid goodbye. He “seen” it. After scanning my messages, I noticed that my message became unread and undelivered. How could that be possible?
That really sounds strange to me. It could be from Messenger. Nobody knows
Hi I’m new at fb message and I would like to know if I’m mute it? I not friends with my boyfriend on fb and we just Message each other but I know that I can’t find request him and that’s odd he has a send me a friend request? But I’m not on too fb like that so I don’t know but I sent him a couple of messages today and he didn’t Response to them its still say sent and he been online on and off all day ? Can somebody please Answer for me thanks
Hello Briana, If you are not friends with someone you sent message to, the message will not be delivered to him until he accepts your message requests. If someone mute your messages, it will still be delivered to them as long as they are online. If you cannot find the friend request button, it means that the only people that will send friend requests to him are people who have mutual friends with him. I hope this answered your questions…
So me and my friend text often and lately my messages will not send for days, weeks, or even months so today my messages from January finally sent and he replied but when I tried to reply back it would not deliver to him do you know anything I can do to fix this
It could be that he temporary added you to ignore list.
I chat with one person and suddenly my messages was ,,sent” but not ,,delievered” and that person was active on facebook couple of times in that period but my msgs was only sent. That lasts for more than 6 hours and suddenly my msg was seen but i dont get reply because we was chatting on other chat app. What happened there?
I can really tell what happened but situations like this only happens
That’s all I can say.
It’s wierd that my ex blocked me .. and when I sent a message it wasn’t delivered but when checked a couple days later it was delivered. But not read.. I sent another message and it was sent but not delivered.. so now I’m wondering how the hell is it saying delivered 3 days after it said sent while I’m supposedly blocked ? Hi
I believe that I am not in the best position to explain the drama behind the scene.
If your ex blocked you, you may not be able to find them on Facebook.
If your ex blocked you on Messenger, you cannot be able to message them.
Your ex probably (in my own opinion) ignored your message(by intentionally moving it to the message request list).
If your message later got delivered but not read, it means that your ex has removed you from the ignored list.
Thank you.
You don’t even discuss the possibility of being blocked!
if he is blocked , the mesage wont change to delivered state at all
My friend is offline (not showing how many hours active ago or what) but when I chat my friend it always gets delivered instantly. But when my friend is really offline, my chat is only sent but not delivered.
Not showing how many hours active ago simply means your friend has disabled active status. Your friend can be online but how many hours active ago will not be shown to you.
messageg gets delivered only if they have messenger installed on the phone. if you send the messsage through messenger app and your friend reads throguh desktop , you will see the status as sent” only. the “delivered” is applicable only for messenger users
Hi, i sent message to a nonfriend. it becomes delivered. (not immediatly, sometimes after few hours ,sometimes afer few days) Does it mean they are reading my message ? i have also noticed that it changes status from sent to delivere even when the person is not online. How is it posssible ?
If you send a message to a non-friend, Messenger will first of al move the message to “Message request list”.
Then the person (non-friend) is at his or her disposal to accept or ignore.
If the person accepts, your message will be moved to the normal message list. This is when your message turns from sent to delivered.
You may not know when some people are online or offline since they can turn on or turn off active status.
This way, you cannot know whether they are active or not.
Thank you!
Thanks @Shruba Aryan. Does it mean that he is accepting the message. ??? My messages to him changes from Sent to delivered invariably. (sometimes in a day or sometimes in 2 or 3 days). Does it mean that he is accepting the message. ???
If he accepts the message, should i not see a read status also ? Because you cannot accept the message withot seeing it. Is it not ? i am not seeing the read status at all. This is breakng my head for last few months. would be good if you clarify ?
Hi @shruba Aryan – can you pls clairfy my above query. i am urgenly trying to resolve this for some important mater.
but as i mentioned i am getting delivered status consistenly ? is it a giveaway that he is seeing my message but responding ?
THe message request no longer has an option called ” accept”. It is either “delete” or “block”. so when does the message request show “delivered” and when does it show “sent”. ( Earlier, when message request was accpeted by recepient , it went to recepient status.) now that teh accepted state is itself not there, does all message reqeust i send go to “delivered ” status if they open it for viewing ?