How to easily track AliExpress orders Explained in 4 ways

Last Updated on December 14, 2020

In our previous guide, we went in details on understanding AliExpress Order Tracking. This post is an extension on how to easily track AliExpress orders without taking much into consideration.

Before considering tracking one’s order from AliExpress, one has to take into notice what shipping method was used during order placement. There are seller’s that offer no tracking option on their items or some specific items with reasons best know to them.

In addition, shipping and delivery status is considered by the carrier. The commonest carrier is AliExpress Standard Shipping, EMS, Fedex… and DHL. You also need to note if they offered tracking under Shipping Method.

To track AliExpress orders, below are the best options you should try

  1. Through Logistics details
  2. Through buyer seller support ticket
  3. Through AliExpress tracking system on web
  4. Through 17TRACK

Logistics details

AliExpress Order Tracking and logistics detail

It is a default order tracking system on AliExpress. Logistics details can be confusing to new buyers on AliExpress. You can quickly check our guide on understanding AliExpress Order Tracking to get full clue about Logistics detail.

This shows a timeline table of your order as it moves from one point to the other. As it leaves the seller until it is sucesfully delivered.

To understand about how Logistics details work, take a closer look and study them

Through buyer seller support ticket

If your logistics details are not moving ahead, then you may need to contact the seller and complain to them the tracking issue.

Through AliExpress tracking system on web. The response interval will tell you how fast they can be.

AliExpress offers China Post Ordinary Small Packet Plus

China Post Track AliExpress orders
China Post Tracking website


China Post Ordinary Small Packet Plus is a Chinese tracking website. It is a free tracking system recommended by AliExpress on its platform.

To use China Post Ordinary Small Packet Plus, you must have a tracking number. There will no way to track your AliExpress order without an order number. If your shipment has no order number, you may verify from your seller.

Visit China Post Ordinary tracking website, you may use Chrome browser for auto translate from Chinese to English. Enter your tracking number, security numbers in the boxes provided and hit Inquire.

Through 17TRACK

17track Track AliExpress orders


17TRACK is another order tracking recommendation by AliExpress. It is also free with more features like login, multiple tracking, a mobile app on the go and language switcher to which English is default.

To track AliExpress orders or any shipment that are recommended to on 17TRACK, then either download their mobile app or visit 17TRACK website.

If you have more orders to track, simple paste their tracking numbers separated by an Enter key. ie One tracking order per line.

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